Courage Doesn’t Roar.

Andrew Chuang 莊承翰
2 min readDec 6, 2021


Photo by Kartik Iyer on Unsplash

4 months ago, I stepped onto an airplane taking me thousands of miles away from Taiwan, the island I’ve called home for 18 years.

Pushing through those airport doors, glancing at the sign that says: “Welcome to San Francisco!” I had no idea what will happen from now on.

Despite being a person who’s thrown himself into new environments, challenges, and insane things like hitchhiking around Taiwan, meditating on the floor of a bus, and striking up convos with dozens of strangers, I’m new to having no clue of what’s going to happen next for a couple of years.

Here I am, at the end of my very first semester of college, blessed with dozens of vitalizing memories with friends, invigorating adventures, and power naps that might’ve lasted too long. But here's the thing, life isn’t just about the shiny moments, the dark moments are the basis that makes the amazing moments amazing. The negativity juxtaposes the positivity, the confusion helps you find your direction, the stress is what makes you stronger to face challenges on the next battlefield you fight on.

Courage doesn’t roar. It isn’t the exclamation mark after a huge feat! It’s the period after a day’s work and the promise to yourself and others to keep improving every day forward.



Andrew Chuang 莊承翰

Taiwan • Berkeley CS 🐻 I love people, art, tech, and their dance together~ 我喜歡做白日夢,也常常傻傻的嘗試去完成它。 曾經營學生組織(GenZ、TEDx)